Friday 4 September 2015

Why I Love Reading

Hey everyone!

As promised, I return with another post that isn't titled "Where I've been"! Whilst I may have been stuck for creativity in these posts, one idea just occurred to me after having finished The Hunger Games for the second time; why do I sit and spend my nights reading? My response to most people when I get asked this is "Because I enjoy it" but I mean... That's not exactly worthy of a full post is it? So I thought I'd try and explain it a bit better.

Now, you can check my Book Challenge page to see what books I've read this year. I keep a full track of them, with a word count and an average books per month (I'm good at maths, I thought it should be included). Anyone can see from the books I've read, that universes / series are what I read most; Mortal Instruments is possibly the best example. Don't get me wrong, I love standalone books as well (All The Bright Places, I'm looking at you!) but series appeal to me more and there is a reason for that; immersion.

There is something I always look for in a book and that's whether I can immerse myself in it. Lets say there are two highly rated books in front of me, but I can only afford one. One book is set in a parallel universe to our own and is part of a six book series. The other book is also set in a parallel universe but is a standalone book. I will almost always choose the first book because I can immerse myself in that universe. When I read series, I can imagine myself living as part of that world. There was a night during The Mortal Instruments section of the year where I dreamed I was one of the Nephilim - I was part of the Shadowhunter universe.

Everybody has something to help them cope in life. Something that provides an escape from this world for a short amount of term - books are my escape. I can immerse myself in a book and imagine I'm there. Dystopian books to me (Divergent, Hunger Games etc.) are the best for this. It's a world where nothing is really like ours because most of the time, the world has changed so much.

And that, is why I love reading! If you haven't already, check out my book challenge page and spread the word about the blog, it'd be great to start having traffic again!

Love you all,

1 comment:

  1. Well when you put it like that, I might just have to start reading too!
